Paid Jrr is a name many have heard about over the last couple years. Best known for his “All She Wanna Do” single which was released earlier this year, Paid Jrr is back. This time he fires off with one of his best songs yet, “Birkin Bag”
“Birkin Bag” starts off with a catchy guitar loop then soon introduces Paid Jrr’s voice singing “foregin cars, whips in the driveway. I pick one and then I hit the highway”. This sets the vibe for the luxurious track that is about to come. After the drums and 808s come in, “Birkin Bag” sounds complete thanks to the industry standard production. Later on, Paid Jrr’s debuts his iconic chorus singing, “I can Birkin Bag, Birkin Bag, Birkin Bag you up”. This chous not only comes off as catchy but is also related to many girls who would love to own a Birkin Bag.
These trendy ideas are nothing new for Paid Jrr as he has also been strong when it comes to songwriting. “Birkin Bag’ however has the potential to me the single that out does the rest of Paid Jrr’s music catalog. The song has viral potential and deserves a listen.
Listen to “Birkin Bag” on Spotify below:
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