Meet George Bamfo Jr., the West African sensation coming out of Houston, amassing a quickly growing following on Social Media thanks to his all-natural physique and fitness. In less than a year, the Ghana-born Fitness Star has become one of entertainment’s most-sought-after new coaches. Leading him to start up his own brand of fitness. We talked with the Houston-native to get his thoughts on his new found success, social media fitness, and more below.
When did you realize that your physique could be turned into a successful business venture for yourself?
Well first, I saw people with less (Instagram followers) doing it. Then, about 3 months into my “No Days Off” journey and posting content online, I received a lot of questions. This showed me there was a demand for it and that I could actually help meet a need.
Give us a background on your athlete career and how that lead into fitness?
I played football for a total of 8 years, Counting from High School through College. I was fortunate enough to receive a full ride scholarship to play at the university of Houston. At UH I was a 4-year leather man, and graduated with a marketing degree. After Graduating, I was offered a sales position at LESCO the #1 Lighting agency in Houston. Though I love what I do, I needed to find a way to exert my energy since I didn’t have football for that anymore! This started me on my no days off fitness journey to get myself back into tip top shape and inspire, motivate and aid others to do so as well.
You incorporate heritage and pride heavily into your workout regiment. Tell us about your background and the importance to influence it into fitness?
I am from Ghana, West Africa, where I grew up for the first 12 years of my life. My country and culture are so ingrained in me that I make sure that it’s on display in everything that I do. Also, being from a place like Ghana where there is a lack of opportunity and untapped potential, I want to lead this movement of fitness that I hope will help open doors for my people and the next generation.
Your physique is built on the pride of no supplements. You enjoy an all-natural body type?
The main thing I want people to understand is the power of the “Compound Effect” and consistency. I believe if you stay consistent with your efforts results is inevitable. “Compound Effect”, meaning, if you do a little every day and stay consistent. The results may be slow to you but one day you will look up and have accomplished more than you could fathom.
Tell us about your new fitness business and what you offer potential clients?
Heuristic Fitness is a brand that focuses aiding others to achieve their fitness goals. We offer various workouts programs, meal plans, and personal training for potential clients.
Heuristic Fitness’ business motto?
George Bamfo Jr.: Consistency equals progress and Heuristic fitness will help you get there.
Tell us about a few of your high-profile clients or athletes you’ve educated with better routines and regiments?
Ludacris is one high – profile client I had the pleasure of educating on fitness. He had questions about dieting, and core routines. I gave him a few tips and gave him my personal routine of what I do every day and told him to give it a try.
Why should a potential client enlist in your services than other brands or supplement enhancers?
There’s going to be no more disappointment for you if you follow my program step by step. By the end of my program, you will have more ripped abs, Increased muscle definition, and the ultimate beach body. And we do this without any supplement. Just hard work and dedication.
Tell us about your consult procedures?
So, we start with a few important questions such as the below, then design a program the best fits that individual client. Ask about any medical condition they may have. Talk about Health & fitness goals and past workout history. What’s the clients Daily Nutrition is Like? How Much Sleep Do You Get Per Day?
In your opinion, has fitness become more of a clickbait and clout catching than being about health and fitness?
Yes, unfortunately that’s what it has become now. I think this is due to certain platforms like YouTube paying based off number of views instead of quality instructive content. I believe if the rules and guidelines required more stringent qualifications it will put more pressure on people to provide more quality content.
Do you prefer gym, street/outdoors, or in-home for daily workouts? Being the gym appears to be more the show and IG posting?
I do prefer a gym personally, but I can get a good workout in street/outdoor or in home. Really doesn’t matter, and sometimes I kind of like the change of scenery.
Fitness has become extremely popular over the past decade, what is a big misconception about the culture that you feel a lot of people have?
The biggest misconception about the culture is the fact that people think they can drink a protein shake or take a magic pill to get results. It takes hard work, dedication, and most of all consistency sustained over a long period of time. This includes dedication to a healthy diet.
Explain the importance of developing your body naturally?
Well I will start by saying, you only get one body in this life, so you need to look after it.
In my opinion that natural way of developing your body is the best way.
While some supplements may speed up the muscle building process and it’s not necessary.
Muscle would still be built if a protein rich diet is taken along with regular workouts.
-It’s important to develop it naturally because then your body would not be dependent on supplements to grow.
Follow George Bamfo Jr and Heuristic Fitness on Instagram for new fitness tips daily.
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