The 12th Annual NAACP Hollywood Bureau Symposium will create a framework to provide a platform for established, prominent African American leaders to share their views and place a spotlight on current-day issues impacting people of color in the entertainment community. This national dialogue, will take place in a business-like environment conducive for advocates, opinion leaders, corporate executives, and industry experts to exchange ideas and develop roadmaps for solutions.
The 12th Annual NAACP Hollywood Bureau Symposium, entitled – Pictures, Power, Progress: Pathways to Inclusion will focus on key issues impacting the lack of diversity and inclusion within the entertainment industry. The symposium will provide optimum conditions for opinion leaders and decision makers to have sustainable, robust solution-based dialogues that explore several topics including:
Unconscious Bias – This will be a unique presentation delving into the hidden biases of Hollywood decision makers.
Power of Pictures: Past, Present, and Future – This panel discussion will focus on the power of images in film and on television.
Numbers Matter – This brief PowerPoint presentation will provide Nielsen data on the moviegoing habits of people of color and their influence on the entertainment industry.
Pipeline to Power and Progress – A panel discussion centered around creating a pipeline for people of color in the entertainment industry including insights on trends and future opportunities.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
6:00 PM – Reception
7:00 PM – Program & Symposium
Museum of Tolerance
9786 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
Early arrival is highly suggested.
Underground complimentary
parking provided.
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