PJ Cowan, a veteran who served in the military, has created a podcast called RAW and REAL VET TALK. The podcast aims to address the difficult topics that many people are hesitant to discuss. These topics include transitioning from military to civilian life, substance abuse, alcoholism, post-divorce, and much more.
PJ’s podcast provides a platform for veterans and civilians alike to share their experiences and provide support for those struggling with similar issues. Many veterans face challenges when transitioning to civilian life, including finding employment, dealing with PTSD, and adjusting to a new lifestyle. PJ’s podcast offers a safe space for veterans to discuss their experiences and connect with others who may be going through similar struggles.
With RAW and REAL VET TALK, PJ hopes to break down the stigma surrounding these difficult topics and provide a space for open and honest conversation. Through his podcast, PJ aims to create a community of support and understanding for those who may be struggling with these issues.
How do you envision the impact of “Raw and Real Vet Talk” in the podcasting landscape?
PJ Cowan: I created this podcast for the simple fact that I do have a lot to speak on and that I am an open book who has nothing to hide. I am straight up “Raw and Real”, sometimes it can come across to others as harsh, but anything I discuss I have been through. There is no sugar coating and “embellishing”. I want people to listen to the podcast and get to know me, get to know my guests as well. I want listeners to get to know some of those athletes, entertainers, actors and so on that they “think” they know but really have no idea what their pasts were really like prior to the spotlight. I want this podcast to be “Raw” but I also want it to help others who are going through rough times to realize there are ways and resources out there to get help.
What unique perspective or insights do you bring to the podcast as a veteran, single parent, and fitness trainer?
PJ Cowan: Wow, where to begin lol.
Being an Army Vet, I lived through time away from home, my family, death, this was real life, not a movie, not a story. Unless you have experienced being in the Military it is a hard scenario to explain. However, I have had some incredible Army Vets on the Podcast, and it has been great to share our stories and give insight to listeners as to what each of our journeys were like. No vets journey is the same.
Coming out of the Military into the Civilian world, I knew I needed to find an outlet that was for me. Fitness has always been a passion of mine, so being able to start my own business with Soulja Fit Lifestyle was perfect. You learn about Strength, Mindset and Discipline while fighting for your country, yet these are also important in your health journey. I have just relaunched my business here in Atlanta where I will be focusing on Fitness and Mental Health as well as Corporate Wellness and Nutrition. You can check out my site at www.souljafitlife.com or follow me on Instagram @coachpjcowan or @souljafit_lifestyle
When it comes to being a single parent, especially as the father I do think it’s important to speak on that more especially through interviews. My podcast, MCing events, and my tribe is my world, however it doesn’t mean it’s easy. Being a single dad to teens nowadays especially with social media, an ex who doesn’t co-parent, it is challenging. I would like to see more men comfortable speaking out about their struggles. There is a small percentage of men raising their kids and dealing with a lot of the BS from the baby mama’s, it something that needs to be discussed.
Can you share a little bit about your experience in the Army and how it shaped you as an individual?
PJ Cowan: It taught me integrity, loyalty, respect, honor and most of all personal courage. That is a big one especially when it comes to what I want for me and my kids, it’s about putting doubt aside, fear aside and doing what is necessary. It isn’t always easy, but it’s what is needed.
In your podcast, you mention discussing politics and the system as it relates to your kids. Can you elaborate on some of the issues or challenges that you have faced?
PJ Cowan: I served my country, I fought for people of the USA. I was paid and trained to go overseas to fight for my rights, yet, when it came to my divorce, the government did nothing to help ME in a courtroom to protect my kids. I am good enough for them to applaud my service, but instead of being there for me in my custody battle, they see me as some threat.
While I do have my kids who are now teens living with me full time, there Is no co-parenting, there is nothing but hurt and frustrations, and a constant battle. Our country will allow mothers to get away with so much more, and will get more compassion than the father, and to me that just shows how broken our system really is.
How do you balance sharing personal experiences while maintaining a level of professionalism in your podcast?
PJ Cowan: Any topic discussed on the podcast is “Raw and Real”, that is the reasoning behind me doing this. Prior to any discussion on the show, I make sure that my guests are comfortable with speaking their truths.
I know I can be rough around the edges at times, but it’s because I have lived through a lot, and to me everything that comes out of my mouth is facts. I enjoy learning about other stories and journeys and of course a little debate is always good.
At the end of the day, it is about showing people they are not alone when it comes to things like Divorce, Mental Health, Addiction to name a few. It’s me wanting to help others. Personally, I want more men to have these hard discussions, and begin to feel comfortable opening up.
Can you give us a sneak peek into some of the topics or guests we can expect to hear on future episodes of your podcast?
PJ Cowan: At the moment, I am working on relaunching in the new year with some Army Veterans, Fathers, Mental Health Advocates and more. Some of these guests are in the public eye while others aren’t but are wanting to share their journeys. You can keep up to date on Instagram @raw_and_real_vettalk
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