Very few artists in Hip-Hop possess the ability to transform pain into lyrics of poetic inspiration. Hip-Hop was birthed from the struggle and creativity of African Americans in New York.
Hip-Hop storytellers illuminate social injustices, inner-city struggles, economic gaps, and street dreams of aspiring hustlers. Major Recording Artist/Entrepreneur ‘Da Goat’ is a leader of the new school of Hip Hop and embodies the golden era rap energy.
‘Da Goat’ distributes a high-tempo aggressive flow on Oh No and outlines street codes and morals rules. ‘Oh No’ is certified as ‘hustlers theme music’ and blueprint for all young kings seeking greatness.
‘Da Goat’s high-speed rap delivery combined with his charismatic energy evokes a unique audio experience. ‘Da Goat’ understands how to ‘feed’ the streets and maintains supreme ‘Criminal Intelligence.’ ‘Oh No’s viral impact on Hip-Hop can’t be ignored, and momentum will only increase in 2020.
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