Age: 21 (born: January 25th, 1996)
Hometown: Rialto, Ca. (The entire Inland Empire. San Bernardino County)
Interesting facts about Tre Mak Feezy: Started rapping at 4. Did the first grade twice, and is currently studying to receive his bachelors in Fashion Merchandising. Is heavily spiritual and believes that you are what you think.
I grew up listening to: Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, Snoop Dogg, Dogg Pound, Bangin on Wax, Suga Free, shit like that.
Current Influences: Still mostly influenced by older music from different eras, Ton of 1990s/2000s R&B. A lot of keith sweat, Immature, Jodeci, etc. I can go from that to old ass underground gangsta rap, all the way to new Alternative trap shit like Diego Money, Lucki ecks, Yung gleesh, K $upreme, etc. I love all music though. Really.
Most people don’t know: I’m one of the most compassionate and loving people ever; as well as one of the smartest and hard working!
My style has been compared to: A$AP Rocky, Tyler the Creator, Snoop Dogg
My standout records to date have been: “9x-10”, “Testimony”
My goal in Hip-Hop is: To get paid making music people love.
Childhood: Born in crime-infested San Bernardino County, Tre Mak Feezy found himself getting caught up in gang activities at a very young age. Raised primarily by his grandmother and his young mother, Tre Mak was introduced to the street life and given hard knock responsibility before he was ever ready for it. Growing up a fatherless only child, Tre Mak turned elsewhere for motivation and inspiration. When he wasn’t involved in young teenaged disorderly acts, he found peace skate boarding, writing music and poetry as well as Krumpdancing and jerking in his earlier days. The one thing that always stuck with Tre Mak was his love for music. Growing up having an uncle as a writer and a producer, he had somewhat of an outlet and a source to be able to actually create and learn about the music world. Having been influenced by many people ranging from NWA to Erykah Badu, Tre Mak recorded few songs here and there at the bright and early ages of 13 and 14 and has consistently written music throughout his life, often times to help cope with the harsh realities he has been forced to deal with.
About: Current Dallas resident Tre Mak Feezy, Age 21, young witty and hood, devoted to self investment and applying action to all acclaimed knowledge, is a new up and coming self made artist out of Rialto California. Born to a young mother and a house full of young knuckle head uncles and cousins, he was learning to throw up gang signs before he knew how to take out the trash and always had the coolest most relevant musical influences. Where the product of the streets meets r&b, gangsta rap and a few Quentin Tarantino movies Tre Mak Feezy has built a name for himself by releasing unique songs with a relevant perspective. Currently in school studying Merchandising, he embodies the full integration of street knowledge, book smarts, and the overall consciousness that lies within and extends beyond. In his debut album “Please Say The Feezy” he offers game and the opportunity for you to see things from his light.
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/tremakfeezy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tremakfeezy/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tremakfeezy
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