Entrepreneur, Joshua Armah Embraces The Youth

Community Activist, Joshua Armah talks Black Lives Matter and Youth Leadership

Youth Advocate and Community Activist, Joshua Armah

Joshua Armah is everything that the media does not add in the news for the world to see. When the media posts news about Black America we constantly see news about young black men and women living off welfare, living off others and taking advantage of the system. There is more to Black America that meets the eye. Perhaps we must take a harder look into it and not put forth so quick of judgment either. No matter what race or ethnic background you come from there is always someone out there suffering and looking for the proper guidance.

Joshua is from Atlantic City, New Jersey and he has been quite the advocate for young boys and girls. He is not your typical black male as the media would portray on television. He is someone of great values and goals to make a positive change with the youth all over the world. He has been a mentor, consultant to businesses, and so forth.

Just like Joshua Armah there are other community activists such as Jewell Jones, Youngest Councilman of Inkster, Michigan that both want to make a positive change in their communities. One West Magazine just recently caught up with Joshua about what he has been doing.


One West Magazine: Who is Joshua Armah and what do you represent for your community?

Joshua Armah: I am primarily a success coach. I am a multi-faceted brand that is a voice for millennials and forthcoming generations. My brand consists of being an Entrepreneur, Developer, Producer, Writer, and Host. I consistently work for the betterment of millennials as well as urban culture as a whole. I use my talents as a proactive way to reach the masses, and lead them to a better outcome. I represent those who want to attain financial freedoms, who strive for greatness, and who desire to make a difference in the world we live in. I also represent communities at large that want to progress through the 21st century economically for the betterment of those communities at large.

One West Magazine: What drives you to be an inspiration for the youth?

Joshua Armah: What mainly drives me to be an inspiration for the youth is my son. It is my belief that by the work I do to inspire others at large my son will grow up to know me as not only his father, but as a positive role model for him to follow. As they say, if you help others become successful, you will be successful by default.

One West Magazine: What were your biggest bumps in the road to get to where you are today?

Joshua Armah: The biggest bumps I faced happened in my early teenage years. I was involved in a fight trying to protect a friend who was being struck with a baseball bat. I jumped in the fight, and was caught right before my so-called friend was hit with a catastrophic blow. This caused me brain damage, and nearly took my life. I thought being loyal to a certain crowd was what validated me as a cool person so I didn’t want to let this so-called friend down in his time of dilemma. I was also involved in a gang, which led to me being in more fights and caused my mother much distress. This was a very trying time in my life. I eventually kept on this negative path and was kicked out of high school for selling drugs. As an adult, I became homeless on a few different occasions, due to me striving to achieve success as an entrepreneur, but due to my young age at the time I was not financially stable.

One West Magazine: What was your major turning point in your life when you realized you were living your dreams as a speaker?

Joshua Armah: The major turning point was becoming a published author, and building my brand by speaking to various groups of people. Before this, I had a major turning point when my son was born. Becoming a father motivated me more than anything. I have turned this passion into an emerging enterprise. I launched my company Armah Publishing Group in 2014. The primary focus of my company is “Creating The Blueprint for Success” as Information Technology Company.

One West Magazine: What is something that you want all youth, boys and girls to know about ‘being successful’?

Joshua Armah: I want them to know that success for most people is a process of trial and error. In order to become a success, you must first initiate your idea into existence. You may fail at first, but by staying consistent you can manifest your vision into reality. Persistence kills resistance. Dedication overpowers procrastination and is the same as riding a bike. You always find people who will fall, or have fallen off a bike, but it’s those who get back on the bike and keep pedaling that truly go the distance.

One West Magazine: When working with the youth what is the most important for you?

Joshua Armah: The most important part of working with the youth is impacting their life through information. Information is confirmation, and getting the right knowledge while young can make a huge difference for any young person as they continue to grow.

One West Magazine: What was your inspiration behind “Success Over Everything Tour” and what is your overall goal for it?

Joshua Armah: The inspiration for Success Over Everything Tour started when I was writing my book. I knew I wanted to create a movement behind what I was doing to impact the lives of many. So I turned the book into the key way to join my movement. Once I published the book, I was able to progress from there. I started getting invited to speak at different schools. A couple people who heard of what I was doing then approached me and they helped me to put together the tour. The “Success Over Everything” Tour is an on going tour which will continue for years to come because there will always be a need in various areas throughout the world that need to be motivated for their future. The goal of this tour is to build a movement that any one can be apart of. To put success first in your life by putting success over everything represents the true desire we all have to become successful or even just to continue our current success.


Joshua Armah: I am most proud of the fact that I know I used my own life experiences as guiding tools and more importantly included important knowledge that anyone can grasp for their success.

One West Magazine: What advice do you have for young boys and girls who are not sure what they are passionate about in life, but know they want to live a life of quality?

Joshua Armah: Get your education. This is very important. It makes a difference when you aren’t sure what you want to do in the future. Especially going to college can be a big difference maker. In our country those who have a bachelor’s degree earn more than those who don’t. The national unemployment rate is 4.9%. President Barack Obama has successfully brought America back on a positive course. With many states raising their minimum wage, you have to be prepared to be a qualified candidate for whatever job you choose. In the long run education can give you a career field if you stick to graduating from a college or university.

One West Magazine: What else do you have going on with your speaking career?

Joshua Armah: Being a public speaker has been a stepping-stone. I have since branched off to become a radio host on FM radio, a mentor for millennials, and creating a lane to become TV host in the near future. It’s levels to being a speaker, and the farther you go the more you can do in this world to affect change.

One West Magazine: Where can people follow you on social media?

Joshua Armah: People can visit my website www.joshuaarmah.com or follow me on social media @jarmahtheboss.

About Doc Herbalist 299 Articles
Hey, I'm Doc Herbalist and I'm the Online Editor-in-Chief as well as the web developer and designer here at One West Magazine. I hope you enjoy the online magazine articles and website that I've put together for your reading pleasure. Peace and Love. ~DoC

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