Setting the bar once again, Majorlilkween never fails to pair a profound storyline with an undeniably catchy melody. Captured both lyrically and visually in an epic collaboration with viral Atlanta rapper Bali Baby, the dynamic pop artist boldly kills her own self doubt in an inspiring emergence of self love and unmistakable confidence with “Rogue”. After having witnessed her own mom struggle with the unrealistic expectations that social media sets for women, Majorlilkween felt inspired to challenge harmful beauty norms. Being a model in the fashion world, she has wrestled with her own body confidence and therefore, felt compelled to share her self-love journey for so many women who can relate. The music video premieres her signature fashion-forward style with strong, sex positive women who have come together to celebrate their strengths. What starts out as a visit to the graveyard ends with the understanding that when all is said and done, Majorlilkween is ready to kiss all of her past uncertainty goodbye.
“Hair, nails check bitch I’m perfect, Big body im swerving / He spending the bread when me and my bitches is working, My body is smoking he wanna pull, but I got him choking” ~ Rogue
Having originally moved to NYC from Estonia to pursue fashion, Majorlilkween quickly ran into creative limitations that prevented her “IDGAF” attitude from shining the way it deserved. Serving as a unique professional springboard to now, an influential music career, we witness a multi-dimensional artist with a deep understanding of who she is and what her listeners need. In “Rogue” she celebrates women’s independence through a third wave feminist lens, capturing boss bitch energy that is frankly quite timely considering the recent supreme court rulings. With songs like “Rogue”, artists like Majorlilkween lead the charge as conversations around women’s ability to make their own choices are still very much on the table. Her synergy with Bali Baby truly shines as both artists captivate the audience with an overwhelming sense of confidence while allowing their unique creative visions to shine.
Born an outcast in Tallinn, Estonia, Alexandra Elizabeth Ljadov moved to NYC to pursue her fashion career at the age of 16. In under a year of moving to NYC, Alex was dubbed Victoria Beckham’s muse and walked over 80 fashion shows in a 12-month span. In the years following her arrival, her passion for music, performance, and directing videos paired with her “I do whatever the fuck I want” attitude led to her pop star persona, Majorlilkween.
Watch the official music video here.
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