Kali Streetz “Better Dayz”
Oakland, CA – I had the honor to see this “better days” video before it hit the web. Job well done Streetz I was impressed by this visual done by wet visuals. I was caught up in the story line that I didn’t pay attention to the song much so I had to play it again and I must say this was an all around excellent music video. Kali played 3rd person and took you through and day in the life of a struggling teen tryna find away. From being down on his luck with no food or money he feels he has no other option but to rob somebody to put hisself in a better position. I felt this one all the way with me being from the streets I know that the struggle can get real. This is going to be one of those videos that opens some eyes I don’t see to many artist doing what Kali Streetz is doing this song and video is featured on the incredible body of work called NO COMPETITION. Having the opportunity too listen too the whole project by Kali Streetz produced by the Mekanix. I have too say hands down “no competition” is my favorite song on the album. The uptempo beat the Mekanix assembled on this track is far from there normal sound in my opinion. Not like there traditional laid back mob sound. Kail streetz displays an unorthodox but very pleasing too the ear delivery that goes perfect with the track. Along with an abundance of punchlines, metaphors, good game an all around slick talk i have too give this song a 8.5 outta 10. The video is just as much a must see experience. Shot in the mean streets of Oakland California. It displays the life in the hood from the eye of a good kid just trying too get by in the streets an avoid the many temptations that come with the streets. Please watch the video for BETTER DAYS BELOW
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