“Milan’s Day At The Park,” a charming children’s book written by Jasmine Santiago and featuring her daughter Sevyn-Milan, is taking the world by storm. The book is now available in both ebook and print formats on Barnes & Noble and Mag Cloud platforms.
The story follows Sevyn-Milan and her pink elephant as they explore the wonders of a day at the park, teaching young readers the alphabet in a playful and interactive way. What sets this book apart is its mission to support children with Turner’s Syndrome, a genetic condition that affects girls, typically characterized by short stature and other developmental challenges.
Through relatable characters and engaging storytelling, “Milan’s Day At The Park” aims to create a sense of inclusion and understanding, promoting kindness and acceptance among children. Jasmine Santiago, the talented author behind the book, drew inspiration from her own experiences as a mother and her desire to create a world where children can learn and grow while embracing diversity.
“By introducing Turner’s Syndrome and incorporating characters with diverse backgrounds, I hope to spark conversations about differences and acceptance from an early age,” says Santiago. “Milan’s Day At The Park” has received early praise from parents and educators for its engaging narrative and educational value, making it the perfect addition to any child’s reading list.
As Sevyn-Milan continues to inspire young readers and raise awareness about Turner’s Syndrome, the release of “Milan’s Day At The Park” marks the beginning of a promising literary journey.
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