Archia Hall-Owens, better known as ChiChi Owens, is not only celebrating her three-year anniversary in business, she is also bringing heightened appreciation to Alopecia Areata Awareness Month. To commemorate both, Owens has committed to donating $25 for every custom wig sold during the month of September to The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF).
September marks two special occasions for beauty consultant and hair specialist, Archia Hall-Owens, better known as ChiChi Owens, the owner of Adorn Beauty Enhancements. ChiChi is not only celebrating her three-year anniversary in business, but she is also bringing heightened appreciation to Alopecia Areata Awareness Month. To commemorate both, ChiChi has committed to donating $25 for every custom wig sold during the month of September to The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF). ChiChi has had her own personal experience with combating hair loss. Relaxers, coloring, braiding, and hair glue all played a part in waning her hairline. The matter was exacerbated when she could never find a wig that properly fit her smaller sized head, so she started gluing wefts of hair into stocking caps back in 2000. Her wig designs gave her a new felt sense of confidence while she worked on stimulating the regrowth of her hair.
ChiChi was pleasantly surprised by the compliments and requests she got from women wanting her to provide custom wigs for them as well! She launched Adorn Beauty Enhancements as a central one-stop location for all things make-up and hair. The shop is located in Atlanta and online at http://adornbeautyenhancements.com/ .
A beauty industry veteran with 15 years of experience, ChiChi originally obtained degrees in human resource management and psychology. She has found that both fields come into play when dealing with clients who are tackling issues of self-esteem and confidence due to hair loss and alopecia. After working in corporate for 10 years, doing weaves and make-up part time for friends and family, she finally decided to enroll in cosmetology school at the Fayette Beauty School, and later open her own business. Her passion for hair loss led her to the renowned Toni Love Training Center where she received her non-surgical Hair Loss Certification.
Unlike wigs found in retail stores, ChiChi’s exclusive line of custom medical wigs and hair prosthetics are specifically designed for the woman with little or no hair. The designs are partially or totally hand tied or sewn on with a sewing machine, with a smaller cap and a base that is specifically designed to not irritate a sensitive scalp.
Adorn Beauty’s exclusive line of custom medical quality wigs are for all nationalities and are designed for a totally natural and completely undetectable appearance; from the amount of hair in the cap, to how the hair moves when the wig is worn. Adorn’s medical custom wig prices start at $500, with custom fashion wigs starting at $100 excluding the hair.
“Something like losing one’s hair may not readily sound like a big deal, but our hair is essentially our crown, especially for women,” explains Owens. “That’s why I’m so grateful to organizations like NAAF that continually provide guidance, counseling, and assistance to those effected by alopecia areata. I have found that many people are completely unaware of Alopecia Areata Awareness Month, so I’m thrilled to be able to celebrate my business anniversary while drawing attention to the dedicated month. I am fulfilled knowing that I am assisting with helping to heal hearts and heads with my knowledge, care and beautiful wig designs.”
About The National Alopecia Areata Foundation
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) serves the community of people affected by an autoimmune skin disease called alopecia areata that results in hair loss and emotional pain. NAAF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1981 and headquartered in San Rafael, CA. NAAF supports research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for alopecia areata, supports those with the disease, and educates the public about alopecia areata. About Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is the most common autoimmune disease, affecting over 6.8 million Americans and 147 million people worldwide. It manifests with total or partial loss of scalp and body hair. There currently is no cure, and no treatment that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
For more information about The National Alopecia Areata Foundation, find them athttps://www.naaf.org/ .
To purchase Adorn Beauty Enhancements’ custom wigs, go to http://adornbeautyenhancements.com/ . Reach ChiChi Owens on Facebook at We_Adornand on Instagram and Twitter at @we_adorn.
NOTE TO MEDIA: For interview requests contact jazzmynepr@gmail.com .
Jazzmyne Public Relations
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