**New Documentary “In All Truth” Bridges Gap Between Ex-Felons and the Public**
The highly anticipated documentary “In All Truth” is coming soon, offering a compelling narrative about the life of Kieth Stevens, an ex-felon striving to rehabilitate and reconnect with society. This powerful film seeks to change perceptions about ex-felons and highlight the possibility of rehabilitation and redemption.
**Inspiration and Motivation**
The documentary’s creator drew inspiration from the life of Kieth Stevens and a deep-seated desire to build a bridge of understanding between ex-felons and the general public. “My inspiration for ‘In All Truth’ comes from Kieth Stevens, the subject of the film, and a desire to see ex-felons and the general public build a bridge between themselves. People can experience rehabilitation,” said the director.
**Concept Development**
The concept for “In All Truth” was born from a love for documentaries and a passion for storytelling. “The concept was inspired by many documentaries I’ve enjoyed in the past,” the director shared.
**Challenges Faced**
The production of “In All Truth” was not without its challenges. The team faced significant logistical hurdles, primarily commuting between Los Angeles and Stockton, CA, on a very humble budget. Despite these obstacles, the team persevered, driven by their commitment to telling Kieth’s story.
**Interview Selection**
The decision to interview Kieth Stevens came through a personal connection. “I was introduced to Kieth through a mutual friend. After hearing about Kieth and his story, I was very interested in learning more about him and how he would do once he was released,” explained the director. Kieth’s rich family history in Stockton, including his mother Pamela, his brother James “Rrari” Gorman, and his nephew, rapper EBK Jaaybo, added depth to the narrative.
**Filming Locations**
Stockton, CA, was chosen as the primary filming location. “We chose to film exclusively in Stockton, CA, simply because this is where Kieth was born and raised. He committed the crimes in Stockton, and when released from prison, he came home to the city,” noted the director.
**Team Collaboration**
The documentary’s success is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team. “My team is amazing—not only are they the hardest working unit I’ve ever had the pleasure to lead , but they are also super hilarious and keep me laughing. My hat is off to the YMG / RAPKIND ENT team,” praised the director.
**Impact on Audience**
The documentary aims to offer a new perspective on ex-felons. “I truly hope that the public, on a global scale, can gain a new perspective on ex-felons. I hope that people can see a human being in Kieth and in all people who may experience time in prison. Prison doesn’t mean you are a bad person; it just means you may have made some bad choices,” expressed the director.
**Feedback and Reception**
The initial response to “In All Truth” has been overwhelmingly positive. “The promos have been extremely well received, with a ton of likes and shares. We have been invited to submit the film to a handful of film festivals here in the States and in Canada. We are all very excited,” shared the director.
For more information and to watch the documentary, please visit [In All Truth]
https://youtu.be/9dXlrBD6Gp0?si=j2aQ0OnIDXZ1lPe2 (https://youtu.be/9dXlrBD6Gp0?si=j2aQ0OnIDXZ1lPe2)
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