Introduce yourself to our readers, let them know your name and where you’re from
Hello, My name is Bryan Lay professionally known as b.LaY. I was born in Southern California (Carson) grew up in my adolescent years before moving to Oceanside in my teenage years.
Why did you start to do music?
I always loved the emotion of storytelling and engaging the listener with emotion and passion. Growing up singing in choir and rapping with my friends grew my passion for the craft.
When did you know that it was actually going to be your career?
In my early 20’s making mixtapes I developed a skill and craftsmanship for wordplay and storyline, in college at California State University, Los Angeles I was a political science and theater arts major, I had the opportunity to tour as a backup singer for an artist signed to labels, this gave me the confidence and knowingness I could pursue a career in music.
If you could get advice from any producer in the industry, who would it be and why?
I would like to get advice from Dr. Dre due to his skills producing many talented artist and bringing out the best talent in them, I feel his inner ear is keen to hearing what artist are trying to communicate
What or who influences your music?
I am influenced by rawness in the voice as well as storytelling, I feel many can rap but making others want to engage and listen is a skill in its own. I am influenced by the late greats from Big L to Biggie to Tupac as well as current legends Eminem, Ice Cube and Snoop, current artist that are popular I love to listen to and understand how they create their music. I have passion for the rock field as well since I toured with many bands. I like Red Hot Chili Peppers as well as Sublime, within the live instrumentation rappers can take the live energy and combine something special live, which I tend to do.
Has anyone helped you or guided you in getting your foot in the industry?
Yes, from my earlier band mates I toured with, Deuce (Hollywood Undead) and Falling In Reverse and other vans warped tour bands, I was guided and a student of the frontmen of bands, I feel if the will is there and a belief in God everything and every step was blessed by guidance
How many albums do you have placements on?
None so far
What differentiates you from other rappers?
I have an ear by studying what artist are trying to say, I tend to get the artist to express what they are hesitate to communicate and to rap their own personal truth. When I sit down with an artist I want to produce, I want to understand where they are in that moment and bring the best out of them
How can artist looking to purchase beats get in contact with you?
What do you hope to get out of your involvement in the music industry?
A lifelong career and a way to continue to inspire the listener and build upon FamLaY Ent LLC
Watch b.LaY’s new video “Count It” here now.
Authentic and soulful interview.