OG Serg 1200 got his start in DJing when he was just 14 years old. He had a childhood friend whose Dad was a DJ/Sound Crew guy. His friend’s Dad had gave him his own gear, “turntables” and a mixer so everyday they would practice in his friend’s dad’s garage. That’s how he started the hands on part. At around 15 to 16 years old he had an older homie from the neighborhood that took him in and showed him how to understand the fundamentals of DJing. He had a set of Technics 1200’s, a Numark mixer and a wall of vinyl records. Serg didn’t really have a mentor, just a handful of DJs he looked up to. For the most part he was self taught.
The best cannabis DJ, is a title the people in Las Vegas gave him. And according to the cannabis community and industry, he is just that. They say that, because he’s at many big cannabis events in Las Vegas and the people love his support for the city, small businesses and of course cannabis. Although there are many great DJ’s out there in this line of work, Serg feels his love for music is what makes him stand out. He plays a little something for everyone. From 90’s era Hip-Hop, House, Funk to some other music genres just to name a few. Just Serg being Serg.
His selection of music genres, that he listens to, is quite versatile as well. Reggae, Dub, House, some EDM, Rock, Metal, Latin, Soul and Blues to name just a few. His love for music started as a young kid. Serg remembers when his Tata (grandfather) would tell him to play some Minnie The Moocher by Cab Calloway.
Another Las Vegas musician that we recently interviewed here on OneWestMazine.com is Ponyboy. Coincindently Serg met Ponyboy, of Los Marijuanos, through a mutual friend named Dustin Amato about 10 years ago. This was when he was promoting with him in the underground scene, back in the day, in Downtown Las Vegas and the Vegas Strip. Since then they have gone to most of Los Marijuano’s shows and attend just about all the cannabis and glass blowing events where 9 times out of 10 Dustin or Serg, or both of them, are performing in Vegas. They have now become brothers through music, glass and cannabis. According to Serg “Ponyboy is good people. Y’all make sure to follow him on all Los Marijuano’s social media platforms.”
OG Serg has played in some of the biggest venues…too many to list. He’s played at many casinos, bars, clubs and events in Las Vegas. The biggest one for him right now has to be Culture And Cannabis though. Just because never in his life did he ever think he would play at a marijuana event (LEGALLY). To him, that’s big! Cannabis has come so far and he’s happy to be part of that culture.
Originally from a small suburb city out of East Los Angeles called City Of Commerce, the Rosewood Park side (As there are 4 parks in the city where he grew up). That’s where he was living when he fell in love with music. He now resides in Las Vegas, Nevada and has been there for about 12 years.
Some of his favorite records to spin are Celia Cruz, Carlos Santana, Malo, El Chicano, Ice Cube, Cypress Hill, Epmd, Johnny Guitar Watson, Boz Scaggs, Ray Charles just to name a few. He just loves all types of music.
Serg DJs at Culture And Cannabis LV, once a month and Purple Haze on Dash Radio Worldwide.
He also performs at weddings, divorce parties, birthday parties family reunions, graduations, cannabis parties etc. Anywhere a great DJ is needed.
So far, the biggest event he has performed at was the Glass Vegas Expo. This event had over 250 glass blowers from all over the U.S. They came out and displayed their companies. They also had live glass blowing on stage! Tons of people (glass enthusiasts) came out. We’re talking about some crazy expensive, exotic glass bongs and hand pipes. They even had a roller derby with hand blown glass cars.
The way he got his name was due to the fact that he was always known for smoking OG. His birth name is Sergio, so his “street pharmacist” started calling him OG SERG. Plus he was always sporting OG gear too. “Shout out to Official Genius for always keeping your boy dripped.” OG SERG stands for “Ocean Grown Serg”.
OG Serg 1200 started deejaying at a young age. He dabbled with it in his early teen years back in the early 90’s. Then kinda fell off 2001 till around 2010 when he started to dabble around and got the feel again. 2012 is when he went hard on it and decided to just do it. He’s been doing it ever since and loves it. “I’m blessed for sure.”, said Serg.
You can find OG Serg 1200 on all social media platforms at OG SERG 1200. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Below are direct links to some of his Social Media Platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OGSERG1200/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ogserg1200/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/og_serg1200
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