Los Angeles, CA – Blackmon Entertainment Media the executive producers of the documentary film, ‘Ancient History Hunters’ has announced the completion of their highly anticipated soundtrack, ‘STRAIGHT OUT OF AMERICA’. Docu-film series ‘Ancient History Hunters: Straight Out of America’ (AHH) is going to tell history from another point of view; the ‘indigenous’, peoples’ of color point of view. The series’ new music is a major part of setting the tone for the film’s production. 3 songs newly produced, ‘Eye On The Prize’, ‘Black Cherokee’ and ‘Di Funk’ are the latest additions to hit the film’s soundtrack. Rounding out the soundtrack are a powerhouse group of seasoned talented, writers, producers, performers and musicians in the same vein, as music legends Larry Graham and Sly Stone, all from the Bay Area. The VIP’s – Vallejo International Players, make up a gifted musical production team, of musicians including, producers Kevin Blackmon, (drums) Ron Perry (bass player); former bassist and guitarist that recorded with John Lee Hooker, Buddy Miles. On synthesizer guitar, Howard ‘Doc’ Dockens, Rocky Ramirez (on keyboards & strings); along with Robert Watson former Music Director for James Brown, and the voice of Southern Soul vocalist, Ira Walker, Arms Records, songwriter, producer, delivers a soul-stirring performance, on ‘Keep Your Eyes On The Prize’. Collectively they makeup and comprise ‘The New Sound of the Bay Area’, a distinctive and unique blend of west coast California Funk, Jazz, Hip-Hop and contemporary
music. The already existing soundtrack theme songs, ‘I Remember The Future’, and ‘Get Free’, composed and performed by Robert Irving, lll, Bikbaye Inejnema and Aaron D. Spears of Diasporic Progeny (a studio collective of musicians formed to create music for the ‘AHH’ soundtrack); have been added and featured in the film’s trailers. ‘Ancient History Hunters Straight Out Of America’ soundtrack ‘I Remember The Future’ available on Amazon, iTunes and AncientHistoryHunters.com website.
‘Ancient History Hunters’ Documentary Film Synopsis: A sweeping historical epic adventure, educational and entertaining film; from Executive Producer, Diane Blackmon Bailey, filmmaker, historian.
‘Ancient History Hunters Straight Out Of America – In Search Of Atlantis’ Documentary is a powerful in-depth historical account and discovery of ancient America’s hidden secrets and history’s mysteries, ‘moments in time’ that has been banished manipulated, buried, burned and erased. AHH’s mission and documentary series will uncover lost ancient history that mainstream academia, scientists, and teachers never taught you in school. Discoveries include, the ground-breaking American ‘Antiquity Father Gene’ discovered and revealed! Who were the ‘Copper Color’ aboriginal indigenous people as defined in Webster’s American Dictionary 1828 first seen by early explorers, of the Americas? ‘Ancient History Hunters Straight Out Of America’ documentary film will answer these daunting questions and many more. ‘Ancient History Hunters Straight Out Of America’ documentary film coming Summer 2019.
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Blackmon Entertainment Media Production, A Lady Boss Film
From the writer of ‘Queen Califia’ and the ‘History of the California Blacks’.
In commemoration of the 100th Birthday of David Blackmon 1919 – 2018.
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